Spiritual Encounters

Stories of encounters with someone whom one has never met, in fact someone who has passed from this life into eternal life, are not unheard of. I have been told stories by others who either experienced such encounters, or who were acquainted with someone who had. I believe there may be some truth to these stories, truth that is hidden from the eyes of most. Though, in Jesus' parable of the begger Lazarus and the rich man, after his death, the pleas of the rich man to allow Lazarus to warn the remining members of the richman's family are denied, I do believe that the intervention of the spiritual realm is possible.

The stories I will share with you on this site will be that kind of story; only these stories will be those about children, not adults. They will be about encounters of deceased relatives or friends whose presence was felt by children during a serious occurrence in their young lives. they are stories that have been shared with me, and I have been given permission to share them on this site. May they have meaning for your lives.


"The Stories"

Nevaeh's Story
